Monday 11 April 2016

Positive Effects of Computers

Although the negative effects seem menacing, there are some positive effects of computers worth noting. The first one which seems to be the most obvious is paper. The use of computer drastically reduces the consumption of paper. The use of computers saves trees being cut down by utilizing methods of online payment such PayPal or credit card. Because most documents and notes are typed in computers, the need for writing on paper is greatly lessened. 

Computers also serve as a benefit to the environment due to it's ability to make communication easy via social media or video calling. This is a huge plus as it exempts the need for travelling by vehicle to one another in order to communicate as travelling by vehicles can cause air pollution. 

Lastly, with every moment that passes, computers are being used to create sustainable technologies which are eco friendly, technologies such as solar energy for example. 

Green Computing - Environmental Issues - The Carnegie Cyber Academy. (n.d.). Retrieved April 09, 2016, from
N. (2006). How do computers effect the environment? Retrieved April 09, 2016, from

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