Monday 11 April 2016

Ways to reduce negative impact of computers on environement

Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the negative impact that computers have on environment. A lot of which are very basic that you can incorporate in your life. Although computers lower the use of paper on a daily basis, that doesn't mean no paper is being wasted. When it comes to printing documents or pictures, think twice before doing so. If it doesn't have to be on paper, then there's no need to print it. Saving a digital copy instead can be just as useful. Also make sure to buy paper from recycled post-consumer and that you recycle the paper that you use. You'll be quite surprised at how much paper you are saving.

As we all know, computers require electricity to function, and electricity is not free. So it might be in one's best interest to save electricity by turning off all computers when not in use. Even when computers are on standby, computers use energy.

Green Computing - Reducing Waste - The Carnegie Cyber Academy. (n.d.). Retrieved April 09, 2016, from

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